Header: mruby/string.h
String class
Function Summary collapse
mrb_int mrb_str_strlen(mrb_state*, struct RString*)
void mrb_str_modify(mrb_state *, struct RString *)
void mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb_state *, struct RString *)
mrb_str_modify() with keeping ASCII flag if set.
mrb_int mrb_str_index(mrb_state *, mrb_value, const char *, mrb_int, mrb_int)
Finds the index of a substring in a string.
void mrb_str_concat(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
Appends self to other.
mrb_value mrb_str_plus(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
Adds two strings together.
mrb_value mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb_state *, void *)
Converts pointer into a Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_obj_as_string(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Returns an object as a Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_str_resize(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_int)
Resizes the string’s length.
mrb_value mrb_str_substr(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_int, mrb_int)
Returns a sub string.
mrb_value mrb_ensure_string_type(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Returns a Ruby string type.
mrb_value mrb_check_string_type(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
mrb_value mrb_string_type(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
obsolete: use mrb_ensure_string_type() instead.
mrb_value mrb_str_new_capa(mrb_state *, size_t)
mrb_value mrb_str_buf_new(mrb_state *, size_t)
mrb_int mrb_string_value_len(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
obslete: use RSTRING_LEN().
mrb_value mrb_str_dup(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Duplicates a string object.
mrb_value mrb_str_intern(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Returns a symbol from a passed in Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_str_to_inum(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_int, mrb_bool)
mrb_value mrb_cstr_to_inum(mrb_state *, const char *, mrb_int, mrb_bool)
double mrb_str_to_dbl(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_bool)
double mrb_cstr_to_dbl(mrb_state *, const char *, mrb_bool)
mrb_value mrb_str_to_str(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Returns a converted string type.
mrb_bool mrb_str_equal(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
Returns true if the strings match and false if the strings don’t match.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat(mrb_state *, mrb_value, const char *, size_t)
Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat_cstr(mrb_state *, mrb_value, const char *)
Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat_str(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
mrb_value mrb_str_append(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
Adds str2 to the end of str1.
int mrb_str_cmp(mrb_state *, mrb_value, mrb_value)
Returns 0 if both Ruby strings are equal.
char * mrb_str_to_cstr(mrb_state *, mrb_value)
Returns a newly allocated C string from a Ruby string.
Define Summary
- #define MRUBY_STRING_H
- #define RSTR_EMBED_P
- #define RSTR_SET_LEN
- #define RSTR_EMBED_PTR
- #define RSTR_EMBED_LEN
- #define RSTR_PTR
- #define RSTR_LEN
- #define RSTR_CAPA
- #define RSTR_SHARED_P
- #define RSTR_FSHARED_P
- #define RSTR_NOFREE_P
- #define RSTR_ASCII_P
- #define RSTR_POOL_P
- #define mrb_str_ptr
Returns a pointer from a Ruby string
- #define RSTRING
- #define RSTRING_PTR
- #define RSTRING_LEN
- #define RSTRING_CAPA
- #define RSTRING_END
- #define RSTRING_CSTR
- #define MRB_STR_SHARED
- #define MRB_STR_NOFREE
- #define MRB_STR_EMBED
- #define MRB_STR_POOL
- #define MRB_STR_ASCII
- #define mrb_str_index_lit
- #define mrb_str_cat_lit
- #define mrb_str_cat2
For backward compatibility
- #define mrb_str_buf_cat
- #define mrb_str_buf_append
Function Details
mrb_int mrb_str_strlen(mrb_state* , struct RString* )
void mrb_str_modify(mrb_state * mrb, struct RString * s)
void mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb_state * mrb, struct RString * s)
mrb_str_modify() with keeping ASCII flag if set
mrb_int mrb_str_index(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, const char * p, mrb_int len, mrb_int offset)
Finds the index of a substring in a string
void mrb_str_concat(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_value other)
Appends self to other. Returns self as a concatenated string.
main(int argc,
char **argv)
// Variable declarations.
mrb_value str1;
mrb_value str2;
mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open();
if (!mrb)
// handle error
// Creates new Ruby strings.
str1 = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "abc");
str2 = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "def");
// Concatenates str2 to str1.
mrb_str_concat(mrb, str1, str2);
// Prints new Concatenated Ruby string.
mrb_p(mrb, str1);
return 0;
=> "abcdef"
mrb_value mrb_str_plus(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value a, mrb_value b)
Adds two strings together.
main(int argc,
char **argv)
// Variable declarations.
mrb_value a;
mrb_value b;
mrb_value c;
mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open();
if (!mrb)
// handle error
// Creates two Ruby strings from the passed in C strings.
a = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "abc");
b = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "def");
// Prints both C strings.
mrb_p(mrb, a);
mrb_p(mrb, b);
// Concatenates both Ruby strings.
c = mrb_str_plus(mrb, a, b);
// Prints new Concatenated Ruby string.
mrb_p(mrb, c);
return 0;
=> "abc" # First string
=> "def" # Second string
=> "abcdef" # First & Second concatenated.
mrb_value mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb_state * mrb, void * p)
Converts pointer into a Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_obj_as_string(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value obj)
Returns an object as a Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_str_resize(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int len)
Resizes the string’s length. Returns the amount of characters in the specified by len.
main(int argc,
char **argv)
// Variable declaration.
mrb_value str;
mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open();
if (!mrb)
// handle error
// Creates a new string.
str = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "Hello, world!");
// Returns 5 characters of
mrb_str_resize(mrb, str, 5);
mrb_p(mrb, str);
return 0;
=> "Hello"
mrb_value mrb_str_substr(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len)
Returns a sub string.
main(int argc,
char const **argv)
// Variable declarations.
mrb_value str1;
mrb_value str2;
mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open();
if (!mrb)
// handle error
// Creates new string.
str1 = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "Hello, world!");
// Returns a sub-string within the range of 0..2
str2 = mrb_str_substr(mrb, str1, 0, 2);
// Prints sub-string.
mrb_p(mrb, str2);
return 0;
=> "He"
mrb_value mrb_ensure_string_type(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
Returns a Ruby string type.
mrb_value mrb_check_string_type(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
mrb_value mrb_string_type(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
obsolete: use mrb_ensure_string_type() instead
mrb_value mrb_str_new_capa(mrb_state * mrb, size_t capa)
mrb_value mrb_str_buf_new(mrb_state * mrb, size_t capa)
mrb_int mrb_string_value_len(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
obslete: use RSTRING_LEN()
mrb_value mrb_str_dup(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
Duplicates a string object.
mrb_value mrb_str_intern(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value self)
Returns a symbol from a passed in Ruby string.
mrb_value mrb_str_to_inum(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int base, mrb_bool badcheck)
mrb_value mrb_cstr_to_inum(mrb_state * mrb, const char * s, mrb_int base, mrb_bool badcheck)
double mrb_str_to_dbl(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_bool badcheck)
double mrb_cstr_to_dbl(mrb_state * mrb, const char * s, mrb_bool badcheck)
mrb_value mrb_str_to_str(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
Returns a converted string type.
For type checking, non converting mrb_to_str
is recommended.
mrb_bool mrb_str_equal(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2)
Returns true if the strings match and false if the strings don’t match.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, const char * ptr, size_t len)
Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat_cstr(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, const char * ptr)
Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
mrb_value mrb_str_cat_str(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2)
mrb_value mrb_str_append(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2)
Adds str2 to the end of str1.
int mrb_str_cmp(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2)
Returns 0 if both Ruby strings are equal. Returns a value < 0 if Ruby str1 is less than Ruby str2. Returns a value > 0 if Ruby str2 is greater than Ruby str1.
char * mrb_str_to_cstr(mrb_state * mrb, mrb_value str)
Returns a newly allocated C string from a Ruby string. This is an utility function to pass a Ruby string to C library functions.
- Returned string does not contain any NUL characters (but terminator).
- It raises an ArgumentError exception if Ruby string contains NUL characters.
- Retured string will be freed automatically on next GC.
- Caller can modify returned string without affecting Ruby string (e.g. it can be used for mkstemp(3)).